Welcome Leezu Singh
The Ph.D student Leezu Singh joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of "Chiral plasmonic nanostructures" research project.
Welcome Ori Azulay
The undergraduate student of Mechanical engineering and Physics faculties Ori Azulay joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of...
Good luck to Matan Revah and Har'el Ginat!
Two undergraduate student members of our lab reach the next milestone and have started their M.Sc study. Good luck! .

Congratulations! Dr. Yuri Gorodetski was nominated for the outstanding lecturer award for 2016-2017
Congratulations! Dr. Yuri Gorodetski was nominated for the outstanding lecturer award for 2016-2017 academic year. The ceremony will be...

Welcome Dr. Rajesh Desapogu
The PostDoc researcher Dr. Rajesh Desapogu joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of a research project "ITO Plasmonics" in...