Nano Optics Group

Group Members
Principal Investigator

Head of the Nanooptics group. Obtained his B.Sc, 2003 and M.Sc degree, 2006 in Mechanical Engineering, in Technion Israel Institute of Technology. During his Ph.D in Nanooptics Laboratory there he was awarded for Levi Eshkol and Russel Berry scolarships. In 2010 he joined Laboratoire de Nanostructures, Université de Strasbourg as Post-Doctoral fellow. He took his current position in 2014 in the Faculty of Engineering in Ariel University to establish the Nanooptics Laboratory.
Ph.D Students
M.Sc Students
UG Students

Ph.D student. Research project "Investigation of ultra-fast plasmonic phenomena by use of time-resolved leakage microscopy"

Ph.D student. Research project "Chiral plasmonic nanostructures"

MSc Student in Electrical Engineering, Ariel University. Research topic: "Novel Plasmonic Materials for Nanotechnology in telecom wavelengths"

M.Sc student in Electrical Engineering, Ariel University. Research topic: "Structured Plasmonics"

MSc Student in Mechanical Engineering, Ariel University. Research topic: "Topological singularities and chiral plasmonics"

Undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering, Ariel University. Project topic: "From diffraction to plasmonic k-space analysis"

Researcher in the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT Collaboration project topic:" Optical angular momentum generation by use of adiabatically tappered nanoscale tip."

Head of the Electro-Optics study program at the Faculty of Engineering and a director of the Nano Photonics Center at the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA). Collaboration project topic: "Active Plasmonics"

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light

Researcher and lecturer in the faculty of Natural Sciences, Ariel University.

Head of the Light-on-a-Chip group at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Collaboration project topic: "Polarization specific far-field light scattering by plasmonic metasurfaces"

Prof. of Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University. Collaboration project topic:" Plasmonic platform for nantiomeric recognition of nanocrystals"

Prof. of Faculty of Sciences, Prof. of Physics, Holon Institute of Technology | HIT · Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics,Collaboration project topic: "Topological Plasmonics"

Associate Prof. Nanjing University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Collaboration topic: "Particle trapping and beaming using a 3D nanotip excited with plasmonic vortex".
Former Lab Members
M.Sc. student in Physics, Yossi Sharon, "Investigation of electrical and optical properties of graphen oxyde"
M.Sc student in Electrical Engineering, Matan Revah, "Anomalous Polarization Effect In Plasmonic Nano Apertures"
UG student in Electrical Engineering, Alon Nahum, "Chiral Plasmonic Metasurfaces"
UG student in Electrical Engineering, Sveta Rosol, "Chiral Plasmonic Metasurfaces"
UG student in Mechanical Engineering and Physics, Ori Azulay, "Plasmonic based probing of thin dialectic layers."
Dr. Rajesh Desapogu, PostDoc Researcher, "ITO Plasmonics"