Our established lab is officially listed under Engineering:Electrical and Electronics Engineering ta
Congratulations, Dr. Gorodetski
Dr.Gorodetski has been awarded a research grant “Time-resolved leakage microscopy" by Israeli Ministry of Science for the period of...
Welcome Alon Nahum
The undergraduate student of Electrical engineering faculty Alon Nahum joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of "Metasurfaces" project.
Welcome Yossi Sharon
The undergraduate student Yossi Sharon joins the Nanooptics laboratory in collaboration with Physics department (under the shared...
Abstract is accepted for SPIE Photonics Europe 2016
The abstract entitled "'Plasmonic rack-and-pinion gear with chiral metasurface" is accepted for oral presentation in SPIE Photonics...
Optica Manuscript Accepted
A manuscript entitled "Tracking surface plasmon pulses using ultrafast leakage imaging" by Yuri Gorodetski, Thibault Chervy, Shaojun...