The construction work of Nanooptics laboratory is in progress!
The planning and the construction project of the Nanooptics laboratory in building 8 has been started.
Aknowledgment to Professor Bormoshenko Edward
Thank you to Professor Bormoshenko Edward for taking a part in collaboration in the project "Near-field optical probing of plasma effects...
Aknowledgment to Dr Pierfrancesco Zilio
Thank you to Dr Pierfrancesco Zilio for taking a part in collaboration in the project "Optical angular momentum generation by use of...
Aknowledgment to Dr Karabchevsky Alina
Thank you to Dr Karabchevsky Alina for taking a part in collaboration in the project "Polarization specific far-field light scattering by...
Abstract Accepted for SPIE Photonics Europe 2015
The abstract entitled "Far field beaming of Orbital Angular Momentum light states" by Denis Garoli, Pierfrancesco Zilio, Francesco...
Welcome Sveta Rosol
The undergraduate student Sveta Rosol joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of "Plasmonic collimation for efficient Raman scattering...
Welcome Harel Ginat
The undergraduate student Harel Ginat joins the Nanooptics laboratory as a part of "Active Plasmonics " project in collaboration with...
Meta'15 Conference Invitation
Dr. Yuri Gorodetski is invted for META15 conference on 4-7 Aug in New York to present his work on "Structured Light and Chiral Plasmons"